Lorentz (Cauchy) distribution |
The Cauchy distribution, named after Augustin Cauchy, is a continuous probability distribution. It is also known, especially among physicists, as the Lorentz distribution (after Hendrik Lorentz), Cauchy–Lorentz distribution, Lorentz(ian) function, or Breit–Wigner distribution. It has the form:
where ‘a’ is the maximum value, ‘b’ is the maximum position (abscissa), ‘c’ is the Half Width at Half Maximum (HWHM) and ‘d’ the background constant value. |
The following script is an example of lorentz interpolation. It generates some noisy data and interpolates them with a lorentz curve. It is used in this web-site here for various climatological dataset interpolation. |
SCRIPT : (www.octave.org) clc;clear all; global x10 y10 function delta = Cauchy(p); global x10 y10 y = p(1)./(1 + ((x10 - p(2))./p(3)).^2) + p(4); delta = sumsq(y - y10); endfunction p0(1) = 95; %100 Maximum intensity p0(2) = 0.56; %0.5 Maximum position (x axis) p0(3) = 0.15; %0.1 HWHM p0(4) = 17; %20; Baseline (constant value) x10 = linspace (0,1,100)'; y10 = 100./(1 + ((x10 - 0.5)./.1).^2) + 20 + 50*(rand(100,1)-0.5); [p1,fer1] = fminsearch("Cauchy",p0); figure (1,'position',[200 100 700 500]); plot(x10,y10,'r','marker','+','linestyle','none'); axis([0,1,0,140]);grid on;grid minor on;hold on; y11 = p1(1)./(1 + ((x10 - p1(2))./p1(3)).^2) + p1(4); plot(x10,y11,'b','linewidth',2); title(["Max : ",num2str(p1(1))," MaxPos : ",num2str(p1(2))," HWHM : ",num2str(p1(3));" BaseLine : ",num2str(p1(4))... ," Correlation : ",num2str(corr(y10,y11)) ]); disp(['correlation = ',num2str(corr(y10,y11))]); disp(['spearman = ',num2str(spearman(y10,y11))]); disp(['kendall = ',num2str(kendall(y10,y11))]); |